Must See Imagery: The best photos on the Internet (41 Pics) Jan 29th 2013, 22:40
niknak79, Tumblr We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them. Feature Image Source OccupyBacon, Facebook Because who doesn’t love free pie? source. GeorgeWashinghton, Imgur Kids: keeping it classy one school bus at a time. source. HatersPage, Facebook Not quite the flash they were looking for but you get the point, right? source. Draquoir, Imgur Learning to photobomb at a young age, well done kid. source. If*ckinglovescience, Facebook Science b*tches! source. d0m1313, Imgur The force is quite mighty with this one! Just doing Disney like a champ. source. foofarley, Imgur Slashing Darth Vader in the crotch with a light saber, this kid’s also doing Disney World right. source. OccupyBacon, Facebook Anyone else out there tested this theory? source. dontpokethebear, Facebook As a dog person I couldn’t imagine a worse way to wake up and start your day. source. VAGINA_SMASHER, Imgur I suggest every household (fraternity household) keep one of these handy. source. occupybacon, Facebook Hopefully you were better than me and has this in the 90s and didn’t have to scrape by with just Binaca. source. Arabmuscle, Imgur Dog logic doesn’t always make sense, but at least their instincts are hilarious at times. source. nohopeforthehumanrace, Facebook Do you beard? source. RaW-D-Coy, Imgur I’ve been snorkeling and dealt with the same problem. So yah, I’m pretty much an astronaut. source. LurpdOUT, Imgur Bathroom graffiti never disappoints. source. cleanfunnypics, Facebook It’s simple, if you need to outrun the plane you’re going to outrun the plane. source. BoomhauerAdvice, Imgur THUG LIFE b*thches! But seriously, hope you kept those Beanie Babies because they’ll be worth something one day….right? source. OnlyForMen, Facebook Multi-tasking level: Father. source. FunnyJunk, Facebook How is it not Spring yet? source. TwoSwords, Imgur Makes you think a little bit…. source. If*ckingloveScience, Facebook And if you’re a parent plaster this up around your house for your children to see. source. godsdog23, Imgur Why wasn’t my childhood this glamorous? source. Dat_J3w, Imgur Best show on TV? Check out our Guyism Animated GIFS Anthology of Breaking Bad here. source. Mandatory, Facebook As for this Bro we have no idea how much he actually lifts…. source. BoomhauerAdvice, Imgur Greatest painting of all time? Perhaps. And you only have to go to Detroit to see it…. source. lucasavancini, Imgur If you’re a designer: ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahah ahahaha ha ha ha. source. funnyjunk, Facebook Aka, how to troll a bird. source. chalushian, Imgur Here’s your ‘perfectly timed image of the day’ brought to you courtesy of donut loving men everywhere. source. BearsBeerandBacon, Facebook Yes, I too also enjoy Spongy Robert…. source. CornishPaddy, Imgur Submitted without comment. source. HatersPage, Facebook Next time you hear this song these lyrics will play in your head. Deal with it. source. KISW 99.9 “The Rock”, Facebook Yes guys, this is (not) me in the club. I know I’m awesome. source. ertert602, Imgur The smirk on this tortilla is so mildly interesting I felt compelled to include it here. source. OnlyForMen, Facebook Sexiest sinks ever? Is it possible for a sing to actually be sexy? source. rememberzack, Imgur Weed injections? Definitely a cop, username is a lie! source. MakeMeLaugh, Tumblr This is my new favorite picture on the Internet. source. HumorTrain, Tumblr The MJ, you nailed it! source. HumorTrain, Tumblr Still here? source. niknak79, Tumblr One of the best photobombs I’ve ever seen. Instantly a classic. source. memeblock, Tumblr That look is priceless. source.
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